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Her Alpha Male Page 7
Her Alpha Male Read online
Page 7
“Anything we do stays between us, always? No matter what happens, this will never go beyond these walls?”
Angela was serious, too serious and Royce wondered what she had on her mind. “My word, angel. I’d never share you with anyone for any reason. You have to trust me.” He hardened instantly, the possibilities endless.
“I do. But how much do you trust me?” This time she let out a cryptic laugh and he didn’t like the smile that formed on her lips. She pushed him back and draped herself over him. Squirming against him, she teased his lips
with hers, tested his nipple with her fingers. The silky robe she’d pulled on earlier rode up between them in spots. In others, skin met skin.
Angela pushed the dildo into his hand. Royce rolled her onto her back and watched her intently. He traced the phallus against her skin, her chest, her neck before dragging it across her lips. She lay placid under him, her eyes showing her uncertainty.
“Do you want me to stop Angela?” he asked, just before he latched onto her nipple and swirled his tongue around the hardening nub.
He’d bet she wasn’t going to stop anything he did with her. He decided to push for everything he’d ever dreamt about, conventional or not.
“No, we don’t stop.”
He groaned with his mouth full, reluctant to pull away. When he did, he moved the dildo over her breast and throat before passing it over her mouth. The second time he stopped, her mouth fell open, allowing the head between her lips. She paused only a second before sucking it further inside, her eyes lowering. His erection climbed steadily to a solid mass and he twitched against her leg when she moaned around the intruder.
Royce pulled it away and quickly pushed it between her legs. She was moist and accepted the intrusion with only a slight jolt. The whole time, she held his look, daring him to continue. He moved it slowly and gently inside her while he kissed her deeply and matched his hand motion to the thrusting of his tongue into her mouth. Angela was struggling under him, unable to reach him with her hands. “Relax, I won’t hurt you.” He all but taunted her.
“I want to touch you.”
“I know I want that too, but later. For now, let’s just explore a bit.” He punctuated his words by twisting the phallus inside her, nudging it deeper. Angela sucked his tongue deep into her mouth with his motions. Royce sat up but didn’t pull the toy from inside her. “Take this off,” he commanded, his fingers pushing at her robe. She managed to squirm out from it without help or change of position. In an instant, she understood.
“Are you in charge, Major?” she asked, her hint the permission he hadn’t realized he was seeking.
“Absolutely, Angela, I’m glad you realize it.” His eyes swept over her naked body, and only then did he rise off her. “Push back onto the bed,” he told her and half lifted her toward the center, settling her on a stack of pillows. She relaxed back, her legs tight together until his strong fingers bit
into her knee and pulled it aside, exposing her in full view with the toy still embedded in her pussy. He watched her body heat but she didn’t move, she stared him down and he suddenly wondered if this was a good idea.
“What do you want, Angela?” he asked just before his mouth closed over her navel and flicked her ring with his tongue. He moved the toy gently in the same motion, and she didn’t answer, only let her body move over the toy. “Oh, Angela, that’s it. Come for me angel.” He continued the simultaneous movements, and she reached to guide his hand.
She took him on a sensual tour of how her body worked, gave him a glimpse of how to please her all the while watching her fuck the dildo. He felt her convulse and almost came himself. Royce pulled the toy from inside her and put it to her lips to lick it clean before tossing it aside and taking her mouth under his. Her hand found him, hard and heavy with want. Her fingers closed over him, her fist tightening.
Groaning against her lips, he pulled back and let her shift to suck him. He came quickly with her swallowing and licking motions, one hand pumping him toward her lips, and the other fondling his sac.
“Damn it, Angela.”
“Oh, Royce, we’re in trouble, aren’t we?”
For the first time, he heard fear in her voice, heard that she knew how rare their relationship truly was. He didn’t let himself think about the future or the lack of it for them. Royce closed his eyes for one long second before leaning back and taking in the view of her naked body, deliciously sweaty and sated.
“Angel, you have no idea.” He pulled her to him and held her against him for a long time. Both of them were quiet in the aftermath of the intense experience they’d shared. He pulled the comforter up over them and let himself drift off to sleep refusing to allow his brain to comprehend how accurate her words truly were. He had no way of knowing what she was thinking and, knowing she’d tell him the truth, didn’t ask. Royce wasn’t sure he was ready to handle the truth.
Chapter Eight
Royce woke alone in Angela’s large bed and didn’t like it. His first thought was that she’d gone, but the smell of bacon frying drifted up toward him, making him realize that was what woke him. His stomach rumbled, and he forced himself to throw back the cover and leave the warm cocoon to use the bathroom before heading downstairs.
Prima lay in front of the roaring fire, and Angela was in the kitchen. When she turned and saw him, she blushed. Not just heating of her cheeks, this crimson red crept across her almost bare chest, up her throat, and onto her face. She was wearing a silky slip again similar to the one he’d taken off her the night before. Only this one was a pale blue. He hardened immediately and grabbed his jeans from the back of the sofa.
“Want coffee?”
“Desperately,” he said as he moved toward her and accepted the mug she held out for him. He took it and drained the contents in two long pulls before slipping behind her to refill it. He didn’t leave her space. Instead, he stood in the doorway watching her flip thick slices of French toast that were browning on the griddle. When she removed the last slices, he put the mug aside and backed her against the sink.
Angela watched him move toward her and for only a second held back the smile forming on her lips. She lifted onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Morning,” he managed.
“Morning,” she whispered back, just before her lips found his with a kiss to reinforce that both the night before and their early morning really happened. “Hungry?”
“Food first, then you, Angela,” he teased, finally moving back.
Glancing out the glass wall, he saw that the sun had come out and was melting the last of the ice from the previous evening. He realized it was after
two. In all of his adult life, he’d never slept in, his military training embedded in his internal body clock. Hell, he thought, in the past, staying in bed until seven seemed sacrilegious, but two in the afternoon.
Breakfast was devoured rather eaten. They decided to dress and walk Prima. Royce was impressed with Angela’s small tract of land. They continued on the half mile to her mailbox to retrieve the newspaper. While cold with the ground still slippery in spots, the fresh air did them both some good. It felt natural for him to drop his arm over her shoulder as they walked. Prima bounded up the road ahead of them and circled back often to make sure they were still with her.
“She’s no guard dog,” Royce teased Angela. “She’s afraid of her own shadow and can’t get out of the way of it.”
“I know. When I saw her at the pound with those sad eyes staring at me through the cage, something just snapped inside me. All thoughts of a German shepherd or retriever for protection evaporated.”
“You’re an old softie. Just like Nonnie was if you caught her at the right moment.”
“Thank you, Royce. That’s one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.”
He arched his eyebrows and stopped walking, keeping her under his arm. “How about you’re beautiful or that you have dynamite legs?” He
found the shape of her breast through her coat and squeezed it with his gloved hand. “How about you have a rack not to be compared to any other woman? How about your undies make me hot?”
“All nice, but putting me in the same category as Nonnie was better.”
“Because”—she shrugged her shoulders forced her chest deeper into his hand—“I always admired her. Not just because she was my grandmother and raised me, but because she stayed true to herself. Grandfather passed before I was born, but in all that time, she never thought about another man. She told me once that she’d found her true love and he’d be waiting. She truly believed they’d have another life together.”
Angela’s eyes filled with tears and she pulled away, whistling for the dog.
After taking a moment to compose herself, she added, “She could cook and run a house, she was kind and loving, and she never lost her sense of humor. That was her major accomplishment, especially with Papa and the boys.”
“I think in a previous life she had some military training,” he teased, pulling her back against him. “She could intimidate me with a look!” She laughed and agreed. “So can you, Angela. Do you realize that yet?”
She didn’t answer, she just stared.
“Tell me the truth, who was your model for Heath? I know Evangeline is a part of you, fighting to assert your own personality, but…”
“You, Royce, I always visualized you when I was drafting him. I figured that was the only way I’d ever have you, get to experience you.” She didn’t turn away but her cheeks heated. “It’s the only place I could control you.”
“Is that what you want, to control me?”
She thought carefully before answering. “I pretty much like who you are in this reality. But on occasion, it might get interesting to have complete control of you, body and mind, or at least be able to tame you on occasion.”
This time his face heated, and Angela allowed herself to enjoy the laughter. “Does the idea scare you, Royce, or is your cock getting hard thinking about the possibilities?” She left him, walked the last yards to the mailbox, and retrieved the contents along with the newspaper.
She let out the same ear piercing whistle and waited for Prima to come running back. She did, paused only for a second beside her and loped toward Royce, dropping at his feet. He bent and reached to scratch the dog’s belly but did not look up when Angela joined them.
“Is this how you want me, Angela, flat out and docile?”
She seemed to consider his question with a lot more seriousness he’d meant. “It’s a start,” she said finally before giving him a look that made his cock twitch.
“I’m the man. I’m always dominant.” He stood and brushed his hands on his jeans before starting the walk back to her home.
“In general, I agree. I’m not trying to switch roles in reality, but…”
“But for a few hours, on occasion, you might be surprised how freeing it could be to let go and…”
“And? I want clarification of that and,” he told her too seriously.
“And submit, I guess, for lack of a better word right now. I don’t want you spineless, Royce. I enjoy your strength and maleness, and I suppose it’s a trust issue in the end.”
“Angela, at times, you scare the hell out of me.” He shook his head and let out a strangled laugh.
“That’s how Heath feels on occasion,” she said, referring to his fictional counterpart.
“I didn’t get that from the book. He’s hesitant at the beginning because it’s the unknown to them both.”
“You didn’t read volume two!” Angela laughed and Royce groaned. “I’d never willingly hurt you, just like I trust that you’d never hurt me physically with your strength.”
“Mind control can be a lot more dangerous.”
“Yes, at times, I agree.”
“Angela, I think I’d better read volume two, quickly.”
They made it back to the house just before the cold started to get uncomfortable. Inside the warm enclave, he settled back in the large chair, her second book open in front of him. He knew she was around the space but didn’t bother or interrupt him.
He’d read for over an hour and closed the book when he found himself squirming in his seat to adjust his erection after reading how Evangeline and Heath had finally consummated their physical relationship with total abandon. Closing the book, he dropped it on the table before going in search of her. The kitchen was the first place he looked, and he wasn’t surprised to find her whipping something in a heavy pot.
“What would you like a snack or something to drink?”
“What are you making?”
“Custard for the éclairs later. They’re already in the oven.”
“Damn it, Angela. It’s a good thing we were together last night or I’d never have the balls to touch you after reading how Heath awakens Evangeline.”
She smiled and winked. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love a glass of wine but can’t walk away from this until it’s finished,” she said, smoothly changing the subject.
Knowing it was organized similarly to the kitchen in Brooklyn, Royce moved easily in the space. He poured for them both and held the glass lips to sip.
“You’re welcome. What happens next?”
“This has to be refrigerated for a few hours.”
“Not the custard, the story.”
“Oh. Well…”
“Never mind, I’ll read it myself,” he told her, shaking his head as he left.
While the custard was chilling, she refilled their glasses and settled on the sofa with the newspaper. Watching him from under her lashes, Angela still couldn’t believe he was here, in her living room, reading her novel. She would never forget how he had touched her and had loved her, how her body responded. She shifted on the sofa when heat flashed through her, budded her nipples, and landed in her lower lips, which left them engorged. Staring at the newspaper in front of her, all she could see was the expression on his face when handing him the dildo.
She wondered what she looked like lying spread naked, heated, and wanting before him with the sexual aid sticking out of her vagina. Her lips pulsed as she remembered using her inner control to tug it deeper inside herself, how his eyes had widened, and how his lips had felt against her while mixing with the fake cock. That was one fantasy she was glad she was bold enough to verbalize with him and even happier he seemed to enjoy it too.
Royce glanced up several times and finally put the book aside. “Angela.”
She looked up and smiled.
“Come here, please.” He watched as she put the paper aside, moved toward him, and dropped lightly on his lap.
“What would you like, Royce?” Her voice and look asked more questions.
“I want you back upstairs and naked on the bed, waiting for me.” “Really?” she asked, nuzzling against his neck. “Completely nude?” She drew patterns across his throat with her tongue, which peaked his hardness under her to a new level. “Or would you rather just a hint of something?”
“Such as?”
“I’ll think of something,” she told him before sucking his earlobe between her teeth.
“Is there anything that would interrupt us for a few hours?” He was making lazy circles against her back, just missing the curve of her breast. Angela twisted into his palm.
“Dog’s fed and walked, supper’s on low. Phone’s turned off.”
“Upstairs, now.” Pushing forward in the seat, he forced her to relinquish her position on his lap. “I’ll give you five minutes,” he told her before heading down the hallway toward his room.
Royce’s breath caught in his throat. Angela was stretched naked on the center of the bed when he finally came upstairs. He took in the sight of her in one long look before seeing the rest of the space. She’d turned down the bed and rested against several pillows.
All she wore was her belly ring, earrings, and a sheer white scarf tied around her throat, its tails sweeping over her shoulder. Her hair was brushed out into soft waves and covered the pillow behind her.
She’d turned on a few of the overhead lights, which had pink bulbs in them that bathed the loft with an ethereal glow in the late afternoon. On the bedside table laid a bath towel and both of her toys displayed beside the bottle of lubricant. Two condoms waited beside them. Royce dropped the similar packages he’d retrieved from his bag beside them before lifting the fine silk scarf.
“Major, have I followed your orders correctly?” she asked, and he knew she didn’t care that her whole body blushed with her words.
“So far,” he said as he moved toward the side of the bed. “this is effective.” He used the edge to tease her nipple.
She sighed and closed her eyes. When the movement stopped, she slowly opened them. Leaning over, she tugged his shirt from his jeans and
enclosed her fingers around his bare waist before she turned over, put her face to his crotch, and sighed. Seconds later, the denim was pushed down his thighs as she enveloped his erection with her mouth.
Royce was straining to hold back, but Angela’s mouth was too much to bear. The sight of her stretched naked across her bed with her butt in the air and only the wisp of white cloth covering her while she swallowed him became etched in his brain. He pulled away, and she seemed to accept his movement, dropping back to the center of the bed.
She watched every move he made while stripping off his jeans and shirt. He watched her intently for a long minute before sliding beside her, finding her mouth under his, and renewing their connection. Her sigh signaled her submission and she went soft under his weight, molding around him, and her leg thrown over his in an attempt to bring him closer to her entrance.
“You’re in such a hurry, angel.” Royce leaned back and watched her openly. “You trust me, don’t you, Angela?”